Here was Raymond's results (didn't really agree with it but it was fun to do): He will be very dependable and responsible; the type that likes to make his parents proud. You can expect him to be able to handle stress and pressure well. He will not be the one you have to worry about. He is sensitive, friendly and caring. He doesn’t like to stand out or draw attention. He is not likely to take a leadership position. He prefers to be the one that works in the background. In his attempt to be likable, he may cave in to peer pressure in his teens. However, he is not rebellious and cares about making his parents happy as much as he does his friends.
As an adult, he will likely go to college and pursue a stable job. He is not the type that will flip flop around in his career choices. He will pick something he thinks he will do well at and stick with it. Possible careers are laboratory technician, computer programmer, physical therapist, or mechanic/machinist, or join the armed forces.
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