Well I am sad to say Raymond had his first full day in his new toddler classroom. He did an awesome job. He loves sitting next to his friends at lunch time.
Raymond fit right in his new classroom.
washing his lunch down with some juice in his new big boy cup
After lunch he knew just what to do.....lay on his cot for naptime. I love this little TODDLER
On Oct 12 Next Level Development had the fireman show up with their trucks and talk about fire safety. Here are my two little fireman ready for action.
Raymond was so excited to see the firetrucks and Sparky the dog that he kept hitting Storm. Finally Strom turned to Raymond Paul and said "Raymond Paul stop hitting me, it is time to listen to the fireman"
Raymond all excited to see the fireman. He didn't want to shake his hand, but he gave him a high five
Storm not being afriad of the fireman and shaking his hand
Raymond the fireman
Storm the fireman
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I love this guy!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Check out Amanda in her new swing!
Since Raymond is a big boy now he has been promoted to the head table for dinner. Raymond loves eating at the table with his daddy. He also loves dumping his plate on himself and the floor :)
GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS??????????? TRANSITION TIME! Raymond is now transitioning into the toddler room. In the toddler room all the children have to feed themselves and sleep on cots. Raymond has the eating by himself down so now we are working on him sleeping on a cot. His teacher Ms. Melina was having a hard time getting him to stay on his cot. And Raymond did not like staying on his cot.
So Raymond's new teacher came in to help out. Ms. Tiffany has the magic touch!
And he finally is asleep on his new cot!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Our friend Andrew won the "Newman Galleries Award for Excellence in Watercolor" for his painting called "Jersey Stairwell" His painting is amazing!!!!!!! If you would like to see more of his paintings check out his site at http://renaissanceman25.blogspot.com/.
We are so proud of Andrew!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
My little Devil! He knocked down all those CDs and then threw them across the room!
Raymond no longer needs his mommy and daddy to feed him anymore. He is a big boy now :(